Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HW 17B- I Vote DailyKos

After reading both blogs and looking over the web pages, for me, DailyKos would be more likely to influence the way I would vote in this upcoming election. I found Wonkette to be kind of annoying. I think that the way that they approached some topics wasn’t as interesting as the other one. DailyKos really brings out the truth in a lot of cases throughout political figures. Some say that it can be just gossip, but I think knowing who people really are in their personal life is a big factor on how they will withhold their position. I don’t really care about the jokes that someone makes, I would more care about how they present themselves all around. When DailyKos talked about a woman posting about her personal life anonymously and then being discovered, I find that more intriguing than how someone says they will handle certain situations. It is easier to judge someone one what they have already done in their life, than what they will promise for the future.

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