Monday, November 5, 2007

HW 28: An Open Letter to Riverbend

Dear Riverbend,

After reading a portion of your blog, I am more aware to the conflict between our countries. Being a young American girl, it would seem that we do not have anything in common. However, unexpectedly we share a lot of the same. There are several occasions where I too dislike American soldiers. Except that is really hard to me to say. To correct that, I do not dislike them, I dislike what they do. I guess you can say I dislike what they are instructed to do. I can not even imagine living my life in fear, like the way you do. I do not think I could handle that. I am sure that the blog is a wonderful way to vent how you feel, especially being anonymous and all. When you talked about how the American soldiers shot and killed over a dozen kids and teenagers, that’s just wrong. I have you back in this one. The soldier’s explanation is just bogus too! The whole concept the occupation taking place in your country boggles my mind. You have my sympathy with everything that you are going though.

In my thoughts,
